Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winkey Pratney

I stayed awake last night thinking of several blogs I wanted to write so I might as well get them off my mind while I am awake.  Maybe I can sleep tonight.

For some reason the time I was in the navy traveling around the world I had several divine appointments where the Father connected me with people that influenced my life.  I don't have ones as dramatic as that now but there were plenty of them then.

As I've written before I ran in to a variety of people who were not followers of Christ when I joined the navy.  My faith at that point had been tested but not to the extent that it was when I encountered a metaphysician, a voodoo practitioner, homosexuals and others with strange theological views.  I was floating around in the Mediterranean without local theological libraries to visit so I depended on God to bring me the resources I needed.

I don't remember where we were in the world or what brought me to an aircraft carrier but I do remember standing on the level below the flight deck, used as a hangar.  I was talking with one of the persons who had put on some kind of program and I mentioned what I was facing in reaching the other guys on my ship.  They brought out a loose leaf 8.5 x 11 notebook with a red cover called Youth Aflame by an author named Winkey Pratney.  I believe he was from New Zealand or Australia.

The notebook was a comprehensive topical study of several Bible themes.  As I worked through it looking up every scripture I found myself going back and forth throughout the whole Bible learning scripture that I had never been exposed to.  I studied it every day as I sat in my office after working hours for several months.

It put significant tools in my hands and also exposed me to Biblical theology in a way none of the courses I later took in seminary did.  In fact, I'm glad I had this book before I went to seminary!  It also dove-tailed with the book from Francis Schaeffer that came to me about the same time.  I'm not sure where that notebook is right now but I'm sure I could find it if I dug in enough boxes.

Fast forward to 1988 and Washington DC.  I was there for a leadership conference and hadn't found anyone to hang out with.  One evening I went out for dinner after the afternoon session had ended.  I remember walking out from the hotel, down the street past several restaurants.  It was early for dinner, about 5 ish, so none of the restaurants had a lot of patrons.  After walking a block or two I turned around and walked back to a restaurant that had caught my eye.

I ended up in an Italian restaurant if my memory serves me well.  I was seated at one of those upholstered seats that ran past several 2 topper tables with individual chairs on the other side.  While I was beginning my meal two men walked in and were seated about 2 tables away from me.  I couldn't help but overhear their conversation and to my amazement, one of the men identified themselves as Winkey Pratney!

I boldly invited myself to interrupt their conversation and introduced myself, telling Winkey that the story of the loose leaf notebook I had.  He mentioned that that was a rarity.  I had seen it in print in a bound book but it wasn't nearly as helpful to leaf through as I had found the copy that I had.

Long story short, as we talked I mentioned to him that I was a pastor (in my third year at that time) and that I wanted to communicate to my congregation better.  He told me to ditch the style I had been taught in seminary, get a lapel mike and get out from behind the pulpit.  He said to tailor my messages to a 16 year old who would be sitting in my congregation and I would find that I was communicating more effectively.

I remember doing that and it changed my speaking style forever...and I believe for the better.

The stories my friend Nate told me this week about his encounters with people in Panama reminded me that God our Father knows where we are and he knows what we need.  He is ready to supply that at the appropriate time...without fail.  May you experience some of his loving actions like that today.

1 comment:

  1. Great story of a divine appointment. I loved Winkey Pratney. I went to Creation in PA between 1988-1992 and he was one of the main speakers. I went to his small teaching in a wooded area and had my picture taken with him. I still have the picture somewhere.

