I'm always looking for ways that the Father is demonstrating his love for us through out the world. I didn't used to do that until I heard John Eldredge speak about how when the church isn't speaking out, God will use any vessel to declare his glory and tell his story. The story is God's and he gets to tell it however he wants to.
I know Oprah is a controversial character. There are plenty of things she says on her show that go beyond Orthodoxy. Of course, if you evaluated everything I say or have said you might consider me unorthodox as well. I think that is a plus. When we assume that we have found the complete truth about something and there is no need to evaluate it we are in danger of missing the movement of the Holy Spirit. He is dynamic, meaning that he doesn't stay still. I'm expecting him to move TODAY and not just bring me stories of how he moved in the past.
Anyway, back to Oprah. I enjoy getting to watch her especially since I am home in the afternoons when she is on. The thing I appreciate most about her is her realness. She came from a very poor background in MS. She didn't have much when she began but she hasn't let her wealth go to her head. She reminds me of a little kid who doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She has a twinkle in her eye that shows that she is enjoying life. Of course, I guess I could enjoy life too if I had her wealth and had the opportunity to give it away.
I'm sure her critics are right when they say that she is probably giving away some of her wealth to save taxes. I guess I do the same when I tithe. I get the tax benefit of giving to a charitable organization. But she seems to go beyond what just she can do. She uses her influence to solicit donations from corporations and individuals to needy situations.
This week I watched her series on the trip to Australia. To start with she took 302 people out of one of her audiences with her on the trip. And I didn't notice anything that wasn't done excellently, in fact, over the top. Not withholding anything. So in the final gathering she had arranged for several people to get a diamond necklace. Didn't stop there! Everyone in the audience of 6,000 got one too. Incredible.
The most touching things to me are how she arranged to get Jay Z, the rapper, to visit a school for disadvantaged kids. They had admired his music and I'm sure also noticed his business acumen. Their teacher wrote a letter to Oprah to talk about her class's admiration of Jay Z...so Oprah got him to visit the school. Plus she got Microsoft to donate a laptop to every kid in the school, as well as the teachers.
I cry when I see that kind of giving. It is a demonstration to me of how my heavenly Father wants to give to me and everyone else. Have I gotten a big gift like Oprah gives out? Not yet. But it is comforting and brings hope to me to know that that is how my Father feels toward me. He has given me life and will give me his best gifts.
On second thought I had a Father gift a few years ago. When we visited Zimbabwe I had the opportunity to sail on the largest man-made lake in the world, Kariba, between Zim and Botswana. I didn't have to buy a ticket. I was one of 9 who got the opportunity to enjoy being served for 4 days. We fished, saw incredible wild life, ate like kings and queens and saw Africa up close and personal on a 73' boat. As I recall that wasn't in the package I bought from the travel agent!
Thank you, Father, for speaking to me and all of us of your great love for us through things we can see and identify with. Can you remember a time when the Father has shown you his unfathomable love? Rejoice in it and tell someone about it today.