I'm learning how to log-in and log-out to my blog. Old dog, new tricks.
One of the things I've always struggled with is the voices in my head. Unfortunately, I am like to many of us walking this earth...I didn't always hear the most uplifting encouragement along the way. Having people in your life early on who help to draw out or rather help to keep out the real you as you mature is a rarity.
One of the illustrations in the book I mentioned yesterday is telling. Take a survey in a kindergarten class. Ask how many kids are creative and all of them will wildly wave their hands. Ask the same question later in their high school years and only a few will tentatively lift their hands with the same "yes" to creativity. Created in the image of God to be creative, we have somehow lost that vision of who we are.
I was wiggly, energetic, curious and easily bored and keeping me occupied and "on track" was a challenge. I was and still am a dreamer. One of the things that helps me get up and keep going each morning is the hope of something more exciting, some adventure joining the mundane of my daily activities. In order to keep me from being disappointed, I was encouraged to tone down my dreams, keep things in check and learn to live "within my means."
The only problem with that is I believe God meant for me to live outside the boundaries. He gave me a heart to take risks and a desire to experience adventure. I was meant to chase lions, to do valiant things and to live outside the norm. It has scared the bejeebers out of my parents.
So today at 61 I am again experiencing unemployment. No job to go to. No desk to be chained to. Could be scary...but it could also be the beginning of a new adventure.
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