Saturday, July 2, 2011

Eyes to See

I had a unique experience last least unique to me.  I had someone sit down with me, go over my resume, probe me about my experiences in life and encourage me to aim higher.  That person was my sister-in-law.  It's not that she is one of my best and oldest friends.  In fact, we could be said to have hardly knew each other before that encounter.

Then a few weeks later she was at our home over Thanksgiving with a host of others in the family.  In one of those roundtable family discussions we got to talking about business and eventually ended up on the government.  I've heard families should avoid the topics of religion and politics but I find that the discussions can be very stimulating and fun.  My sister-in-law began to share some of the things she had seen while on temporary assignment with the VA in Washington DC.

She wasn't critical as we can be so often, coming up with things that are wrong but not offering solutions.  Instead she cast a vision of what could be.  When that starts happening I get excited.  I begin to see possibilities.  Opportunities for things to run smoother.  A chance for an organization to serve their clientele better.  I like to be right in the middle of those things.  I know.  Many of you have listened to me wrestle with the things I am trying to align.  Thank you for being patient with me.  It's who I am.

Now I find myself four weeks into working in the VA.  I have seen enough to keep me busy for months if not years.  Just as exciting is to find that there are many who are equally excited and passionate about seeing the government be more efficient, save more money and serve the veterans more effectively.  There are people who really care and see that they can make a difference...and want to.

Some of you see the beauty in flowers (so do I).  Others see the beauty of seeing things work well and jobs made more pleasant because we can meet expectations of others who come to us for help.

This week I was in project management class.  After the initial ice was broken the ideas got to cooking.  I heard many stories laced with sadness of how the departments these individuals came from around the country were not performing up to par.  They were frustrated.  Not because they wanted their jobs to be easier but because they saw what they could be doing were obstacles removed from their path.  They saw that the ultimate goal of their jobs was to serve the veterans who had served our country.

What do you see?

Whatever you see is what God has called you to do something about.  He doesn't give us vision to see things we can't touch.  He gives us eyes to see what He has gifted us to do.  If you see a piece of paper on the ground in a parking lot, do you lament the fact that someone dropped it and didn't care?  Do you think something critical about the person who is assigned to keep the lot clean?  Or do you bend over, pick it up and take it to a trash receptacle?

Do you see someone in your circle of friends hurting, lacking someone to listen or needing a smile or act of compassion?  What can you do about what you see?  Act on it.  "But I'm not qualified...or trained...or whatever."  But you have seen it and if you step out in faith God will provide what you need to act on it.  He didn't give you eyes to see something only to walk away in frustration unable to do anything about it.

So often in a situation we criticize the "leadership" or "management" or our "pastor" or those in authority over us for their lack of leadership, for not getting the job done.  Rather than demonstrate what leadership looks like we sit back and criticize.  Rather than pick up the broom and start sweeping, we look for someone else to handle it.  We can't change those who lead us but we can do what we see before us that needs doing.  We can perform the tasks and acts of mercy that our eyes see.

We can make a commitment to change our behavior.  God gave us eyes to see so we can act.

I'm going to speak out with passion because I see a vision of what can be.  I'm going to act on what I see because I can't expect someone else to do it if I'm not willing.  I can lead by example.  I'm going to encourage others who are seeing to act on what is before them.  Rally the troops.  Who knows.  At some point the tipping point might come and things might change.  What will we be seeing then? 

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