Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I love my Jesus because He is so practical.  The Father called Him Emmanuel--God with us...right here in the middle of my day.

Another wonderful aspect of our faith (if we are practicing it and not just intellectualizing it) is that it is relevant every day in normal experiences we have.  Woe to those who have made following Christ so complex that it appears that only theologians can ever attain that joy!

I went to Washington DC yesterday for an interview.  Do you think the Father wants to bless me?  Do you believe He wants the best for my life and your's?  Do you believe that if He wants to do something good for us that there will be opposition?  You bet your sweet bippie!

I left the house yesterday morning about 2 1/2 hours earlier than the 2 1/2 hour drive I had to the Metro station in MD where I was going to catch the train into town.  I experienced the normal traffic congestion during rush hour but my Father because of the work He has done in my heart, helped me to remain calm and stress free.

I arrived at the Metro parking lot in Glenmont in plenty of time.  But the parking garage was full...completely.  I checked by driving around even though the sign said it was full and I had to pay $4.75 for "parking".  What now? 

In the "kiss and ride" lot (where you drop off your mate to catch the train) I saw a Metro police van.  I approached it and asked the officer where I could find parking.  She was very kind and interrupted a phone conversation to patiently answer my questions (just like my Father--she was one of His agents).  She told me if I could wait until 10 am she wouldn't ticket me if I parked in a reserved spot.  Or I could drive to the next station down the line where there was always ample parking.  She gave me very good directions.

I chose the latter and drove about 5 miles to the next station.  When I drove up to the parking garage I discovered I was supposed to have a SmartCard to get into the garage.  They didn't take ATM cards there and there was no attendant.  There was a very helpful fellow who just "happened" to be standing by who told me that I had to go to the main station and purchase a SmartCard.  The main station was two blocks away.

So I drove to the station, parked without having any change for the meter and found my way into the station.  There I found another very helpful agent who pointed me to the machine.  I purchased my ticket for my ride into town while I was there.  Back to the garage, parked and back to the station to catch the next train.  I was now after 10:10 and I had a 27 min ride into town and a 4 block walk for an 11 am appointment.

I promise I was not stressed...which is incredibly unusual for how I used to be.  I realized that laying down on the ground and pitching a fit like a 5 year old was not getting me a parking spot, or a SmartCard or a ride into town.  Being nasty to those around me that I was expecting to help me wasn't going to get their cooperation.

The attendant showed me where to catch the Metro and a man sitting there assured me that I could catch the next train into Farragut North where I needed to go.  He said, in fact, "I am going to that same stop.  Just follow me."  The Metro was very clear in its instructions but I still thanked my fourth or fifth benefactor for his help.

Oh, did I tell you I had to make a phone call to the person I was to meet...and my cell phone battery was dying?

I walked at a normal pace, found my way to the building and then had to go through security a couple of times because I kept forgetting things in my pockets.  I finally made it upstairs to the fifth floor where the interview was to be held...but I desperately needed to go to the bathroom.  While we're standing outside the door of the Director I was to meet with (by this time I was 5 or 10 minutes late to my interview--not a positive way to start a first impression) several people kept interrupting, asking to see her.  I quickly got the fellow to take me to the bathroom.

Finally, the meeting began with the Director and two other men, only one of whom I had ever met or had any conversation with.  It was very intimidating and my mind went blank when it should have functioned well.  More opposition.

When I left the meeting (it was over in 15 minutes!) I was bummed.  In fact, I had to put bandaids on my bottom lip because of dragging it on the pavement all the way back to the Metro station.  I didn't have any bandaids for the blisters on my heels because of the shoes I was wearing.

When I got home I was feeling completely defeated.  In fact, the enemy was starting to remind me of some of the old tapes that I used to enjoy playing about what a failure I was and how I would never succeed.  I didn't press "play" but I did listen to the intro.

But in steps the Body of Christ.  A friend who has been closely watching this process with me was experiencing a very difficult day as well.  And she realized that it was the enemy trying to stand in the way of blessings that God wanted us both to enjoy.  You really don't think he would step back and let us walk right into the open door of a great thing, do you, without opposing it with everything he has?

That's the MO (modus operandi) of the enemy.  He will oppose every good thing the Father wants to do in our lives.  He loves to hit us where we have been wounded before and make it hurt again.  But as the scripture tells us we have to resist him and stand firm in the faith.  I can't begin to describe how light-hearted I feel today.  There are still hurdles to get over but I know that my Father has my best interests in mind and that I have an enemy who doesn't.

Do you recognize any opposition you are getting right now that is urging you to give up?  That is saying that you aren't worth it?  That is telling you that the Father doesn't care about you?  Those are lies...and the Father doesn't lie.

1 comment:

  1. I understand completely. But what I have trouble discerning is whether its the enemy trying to stop what is good or the Lord trying to stop what is bad that we think is good.
