I hadn't thought of it until this morning as I pondered writing this post that God is able to orchestrate things even using the US navy.
On our trip to the Mediterranean we were scheduled to go to Barcelona. Instead, some type of crisis in the middle east diverted us to Greece (but God used it as you will see!). We were to go into port there later in the cruise but this time we were diverted to Piraeus, a smaller port alongside Athens where a berth was available for us.
My captain was better suited to steer a desk but had to do some sea time to keep on his upward path. Put someone like that in a small port like Piraeus and something is going to get broken. In our case it was the main prop that got nicked on the anchor chain of another boat. An expensive driving lesson.
Once we got tied up liberty was called and we flooded into town. One of the first places a sailor goes is to the USO to get oriented. They were braced for our arrival because when we came into town we brought with us about 5,000 friends...all a part of our group.
I walked up to the information desk to inquire about an English speaking church for services the next day, Sunday. The desk clerk excitedly told me that she had been praying that she would be able to direct some of the arriving sailors to her church...God preparing the way.
It was at this church service the next day that I met the kids backpacking around Europe who introduced me to Francis Schaeffer and his books, particularly The God Who Is There.
Can you see how the Father who knows the hairs on our head and feeds every bird prepared the way for me to find someone to help me witness to my shipmates? My ship was heading to Barcelona and we got diverted to Athens. The USO desk person just "happened" to be someone who wanted to lead others to her church. The backpackers just "happened" to have found that church that morning and pointed me to a source of theological understanding that deepened my faith and sharpened my witness.
Today I know that as I sit here at my computer some 39 years later that God the Father knows where I am. He knows how he has gifted me. And he has a place for me to be at this time in my life. May you know today how much he loves you and is aware of every breath you take.
God is amazing! Great story.