Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Divine Appointment-Copenhagen

Unfortunately, many sailors in the navy do other things than look for a church when they hit port. Bars get busier, brothels cash in and restaurants serve lots of food to those tired of ship board fare.

I must have had duty because I stayed on the ship that first day in port.  The first wave of sailors went over and came back with wild tales of debauchery--couples being intimate in broad daylight in the parks, homosexuals trying to pick up a date with bold invitations, live stage shows with unmentionable acts.  It was obvious that Copenhagen had it's share of evil.

But where evil abounds so much more does grace abound.  I knew if evil had a strong presence in Copenhagen then my Father had a strong presence there too.  One of my shipmates handed me a flyer in Danish that mentioned something about Jesus...I could at least make that out.

As I left the bridge with the flyer in hand I asked the Father to show me to his people in this city.  I remember going down several ladders to get to my berthing compartment.  Along the way, another of my shipmates caught me and said "Hey Murf, I know where some of your people are!"  He proceeded to give me directions to a group doing street evangelism with drama.

I made my way across the city with growing excitement looking forward to fellowship with other believers.  I found the street group, YWAMer's (Youth With A Mission), who also had a coffee house in town in the building where they lived.  I went back there with them, spent time among a group from all over the world there to make witness to Christ.

One evening we sat in the coffeehouse chatting with an avowed Communist.  Another fellow was also at the table with me.  We shared our belief in a God who was there and enjoyed a challenging conversation.  When finished I discovered the fellow was from TX, had read Schaeffer and was tracking with me as we shared our faith with the young man.

As we left one evening walking back across the city me and a couple of guys who were with me sensed that someone was following us.  As we pondered it we agreed that it was the presence of the Holy Spirit that was escorting us.

We ended up our visit in Copenhagen sharing communion with the YWAMer's there and departed to find our next adventure in Christ...courtesy of the US navy. 

By the way, Brother Andrew also worked out of that building.  Our ship had been rumored to possibly be making a trip into Leningrad--a first since WWII.  I took the occasion to pick up 10 Russian New Testaments to be delivered to someone when and if I ever arrived there.

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